Exemplify in a sentence as a verb

I think, I exemplify what you find fickle.

The ones that are true seem to exemplify incentives and constraints.

You're saying that in Java you're forced to use OOP for every problem and then you exemplify with "hello world".

Off-topic, but just wanted to add that the four comments above exemplify why I still find hope in HN discussions.

I like how people who exemplify the Dunning-Kruger effect are entirely willing to cite it in order to look smart.

_why really did exemplify the "coders at play" aspect of the ruby community, doing a bunch of creative and fairly bizarre things for the sheer joy of it.

Maybe I'm missing something, but why does actively restricting features that people clearly want enhance user experience, and exemplify good taste?

The irony is that it seems to exemplify the very ethos of left-wing totalitarianism that it's desperately trying to "protect" us from.

Dantzig provided an original example of this method by finding the best assignment of 70 people to 70 jobs to exemplify the usefulness of linear programming.

Pity that he doesn't exemplify an instance in which "+" is overused.> ImplicitHe mentions implicit parameters, but exemplifies with implicit conversions.

While this policy certainly did not extend to every product sold at Sears, it did exemplify a commitment to service and quality: in the words of one older person I talked to once "if you bought it at Sears, you didn't have to worry.

Exemplify definitions


be characteristic of; "This compositional style is exemplified by this fugue"

See also: represent


clarify by giving an example of

See also: illustrate instance