Exclusive in a sentence as a noun

By passing `true` to `host_vmxon`, you're requesting _exclusive_ access to the VT-x extensions.

The big ticket companies make exclusive arrangements with these rooms.

There is no equity stake, there's no debt, there's no guarantee of future exclusive rights to the headsets.

>So Google doesnt support an IE exclusive broken featureI am tired of this constant meme in the comments.

Or you can make that thing and remain a nice and humble guy, because the two are not mutually ******* exclusive.

A small deal, with non-exclusive rights concerning routine IP needs little or no lawyer review.

My landlord "owns" the property, but she's sold me the temporary, exclusive right to decide who can come on it and who can't.

Technologists want to make the world inclusive and prosperous, not exclusive and shitty.

Exclusive in a sentence as an adjective

At the heart of its business is the PageRank patent, which is assigned to Stanford with exclusive license to Google.

Mac OS X does all the internal accounting to verify that the CPU supports VT-x, VT-x isn't already enabled, etc. It also supports this feature called _exclusive_ access to VT-x.

If CL had exclusive rights to enforce claims relating to the CL postings, then it could try to shut down 3Tap whether or not 3Tap was technically bound by the CL terms of use because it could do so from the copyright angle.

That, to my thinking, is the only reason why CL would have taken the otherwise insane-looking step of changing its terms of use to demand that posters give it an exclusive license to all items posted to the CL site.

And there are even other parts of the Constitutionincluding the right to pass laws to protect To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries.

That they're being asked to follow those rules is hardly government bullying - in the eyes of most everyone here that definitely counts as "consumer protection".It doesn't get better when they start spouting complete lies - the gibberish about certain unmarked taxi like services being exclusive to "royal families or prominent business leaders".

Still other times, it happens because entrepreneurs are trying to cobble together their own contract by picking and choosing what sounds good from others they have seen and, in the process, failing to ensure that things don't conflict with each other or perhaps just omitting to address key legal issues by having put an exclusive focus on the business issues.

Exclusive definitions


a news report that is reported first by one news organization; "he got a scoop on the bribery of city officials"

See also: scoop


not divided or shared with others; "they have exclusive use of the machine"; "sole rights of publication"


excluding much or all; especially all but a particular group or minority; "exclusive clubs"; "an exclusive restaurants and shops"


not divided among or brought to bear on more than one object or objective; "judging a contest with a single eye"; "a single devotion to duty"; "undivided affection"; "gained their exclusive attention"

See also: undivided