Excavate in a sentence as a verb

You excavate the problem area and you replace the faulty parts.

In others you hit granite bedrock after a few feet and you have to excavate the bed rock to go deeper.

"While waiting for the moon to sink We saw a wild hyena slink About a new-made grave, and then Begin to excavate its brink!

I'd love to see a record of the electricity cost to excavate a basement with small motors.

You could argue that maybe we should make it a crime to excavate or sell an artefact without that record and make the actual digging legal.

I wish some really rich person would just buy this island and pay some construction company a lot of money to excavate the whole thing.

But we don't need to worry about running out of feedstock for plastics, and we certainly won't need to excavate old landfills for the stuff.

Now instead of digging up vegetables, person B uses his shovel to excavate some rocks on his property to create a nice looking rock garden.

Geography: because a good part of the country is covered in Canadian Shield, making it very expensive to excavate land.

It took four years to excavate the skeletons, which were shipped to Philadelphia by container shipWouldn't Chile or Argentina want those?

An earth quake or a flood would destroy that infrastructure, and the decade or so it would take to excavate and build these things would probably sour the population to the idea.

> 'how could someone bury treasure in such a difficult to excavate way without anyone noticing them constructing it all, and how did they ever expect to retrieve it?

It's hard not to read the whole thing and think the people involved were very foolish, and it's an example of the lengths to which people can push wishful thinking and confirmation bias and ignore basic arguments like 'how could someone bury treasure in such a difficult to excavate way without anyone noticing them constructing it all, and how did they ever expect to retrieve it?

Excavate definitions


recover through digging; "Schliemann excavated Troy"; "excavate gold"

See also: unearth


find by digging in the ground; "I dug up an old box in the garden"


form by hollowing; "Carnegie had a lake excavated for Princeton University's rowing team"; "excavate a cavity"


remove the inner part or the core of; "the mining company wants to excavate the hillside"

See also: hollow