Slink in a sentence as a verb

I think you should stop using it, because it's helping you slink out of debates that you'd be better off losing.

[insert expletive here], Kathy, don't quietly slink away.

"Causes should be dealt with, but venting is not necessarily dealing with causes - whether I go play video games or slink off and punch a pillow or whatever.

But the reason why he gathers such a following is because, unlike most "futurists", who make bold predictions for decades in the future only to slink away and hide when the time comes to for a test, Kurzweil welcomes rigorous evaluation of his past predictions.

It's all about introducing some obscure fact or anecdote that your opponent can't possibly know off-hand to force them to have to research enough to rebut, acquiesce to your position, duck and counter with their own obscure fact, throw an exasperated ad hominem, or quietly slink away.

Steve Cohen can rob the American economy blind and even if the multiple teams of FBI agents surveiling him actually catch him and prosecute him, he will be in jail for a few years at most, only to slink back to his billions of dollars in wealth right after that will enrich his family for generations.

And self-promotion is a nonlinear endeavor: A little additional friction from, say, having to lurk quietly at the back of lecture halls and slink in and out the back door of the office, lest you be forced to defend your very presence from a handful of people who are made uncomfortable by it and you're behind in the fame game.

Being able to crack full disk encryption is vital for the prosecution of child porn and pharmaceutical spam barons, amongst othersPut in those terms, it seems that the trade-off between our right to privacy versus the needs of law enforcement is so ridiculously unbalanced that the law enforcement people ought to just slink away with their tails between their legs.

Slink definitions


walk stealthily; "I saw a cougar slinking toward its prey"