Evilness in a sentence as a noun

I'm pretty sure the BBB is on par with AT&T in terms of sheer evilness.

And to quantify the evilness -- 1024 and exactly 12000 points.

Not out of malice or evilness -- just by simply not being aware of the implications of her actions.

Not to dissuade or disagree with your thoughts, but your opinion about evilness of this program will change over time.

Preaching to the Chinese about the evilness of coal is a classic case of pulling up the ladder after you've climbed on it.

Opening your source will make a _big_ difference in how readily suspicions of evilness can be allayed.

Unless these people are made to believe that there is inherent evilness in money and desire for it, they really can't sell their philosophy.

If the Diagnostics & Usage switch indeed controls Carrier IQ then we already know that the last two conditions are met. This is only the minimum viable evilness.

This stray dog has a USB drive attached to its collar, maybe its information about the owner, plug it into your PC and see."The evilness just makes me shudder.

The results of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission clearly indicate evilness of the apartheid regime and those in control of it.

The evilness comes into play when companies are not transparent about what user data they are collecting and how there are monetizing this data.

Monsanto is not the only beneficiary of their evil ways, though: because of their evilness, millions of Americans spend less on food than they otherwise would.

I dont understand why facebook gets a green card from the blogosphere, while nobody of its competitors or any other top-10 website reaches anywhere near this sort of evilness.

But if you're going to do #1, then since the updates are supposed to apply without significant review by me, someone else has to be vetting what goes into the repository for at least minimal non-evilness standards.

Evilness definitions


the quality of being morally wrong in principle or practice; "attempts to explain the origin of evil in the world"

See also: evil