Everlasting in a sentence as a noun

The mods, in their everlasting wisdom, decided to change the title to match the article's.

Forgive me if I sound ignorant, but... How in the name of everlasting gods can Mashable of all things be worth $200,000,000?

So Steve Jobs' reality distortion field should be able to have everlasting effect then?

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten son, that whoever believes in him would not perish but have everlasting life.

To the everlasting credit of my adolescent self I realized this was a problem and I set about fixing it.

Their interest in everlasting patent reform is zero.

Everlasting in a sentence as an adjective

For example, to achieve everlasting immunity they simply don't subscribe to the international court.

But it's one thing to be Steve Jobs and have this legacy that they make documentaries about and it's another to have just been a cog, even if it's a popular company like Twitter, your whole life and not have any kind of family or life outside of your job. Perhaps everlasting glory is worth everything else but I doubt it's true for everyday programmers at Apple.

How exactly are you helping anyone by outright enshrining in law a discrimination against gay folks?> All the more reason to shut down the bullies who have domineered the narrative, produced nothing but useless bickering, and have sought nothing but divisiveness at every turn in the everlasting quest for more pageviews.

I believe one of the more famous Richards were\nmentioned in this everlasting classic:Richard P Feynman, who, on having picked a certain\nlock, complained that "[t]he trouble with playing\na trick on a highly intelligent man like Mr.\nTeller[0] is that the time it takes him to figure\nout from the moment that he sees there is something\nwrong till he understands exactly what happened is\ntoo damn small to give you any pleasure!

First of all, the Christian theological vision of redemption incorporates a much broader view of humanity than one individual's salvation from damnation, it shares much in common with the Marxist view of the end of history in that it also puts hope on a stable everlasting peace and prosperity, where the "lion will lay down with the lamb".I'm not advocating for Christian theology at all, but it would be foolish not to see the Universalist connections between Marxism and Christianity, they both have a vision for the "end of history".So even if the Pope weren't engaging Marx on his own terms here, speaking plainly of a Materialist redemption, which it appears he is doing, his Christian theology would presuppose a good deal of shared understanding in Marx's hope for Utopia.

Everlasting definitions


any of various plants of various genera of the family Compositae having flowers that can be dried without loss of form or color


continuing forever or indefinitely; "the ageless themes of love and revenge"; "eternal truths"; "life everlasting"; "hell's perpetual fires"; "the unending bliss of heaven"

See also: ageless aeonian eonian eternal perpetual unending unceasing


without qualification; used informally as (often pejorative) intensifiers; "an arrant fool"; "a complete coward"; "a consummate fool"; "a double-dyed villain"; "gross negligence"; "a perfect idiot"; "pure folly"; "what a sodding mess"; "stark staring mad"; "a thoroughgoing villain"; "utter nonsense"; "the unadulterated truth"