Ethnicity in a sentence as a noun

The Valley doesn't care about a person's ethnicity, as long as they generated their wealth through legitimate means.

"The extracted information will contain NHS numbers, date of birth, postcode, ethnicity and gender."Yikes!

It's disingenuous to say that he abandoned ship because he was mistreated because other people of the same ethnicity were spies?

" There are two minimum categories for data on ethnicity: "Hispanic or Latino" and "Not Hispanic or Latino.

[1] It's not even an Indian nationalism thing - many of them avoid socializing with Indians from a different state/ethnicity.

Race and ethnicity clearly matter in America -- it's just not as simple as privileged / not-privileged or majority / minority.

A former admissions officer of a good medical school in California once told me that the way it works is that they separate applicants based on ethnicity, and they then look at the top 5% of each stack.

Any nationalistic cheerleading is strictly playing to the interests of politicians, not any nobler concept like ethnicity, race, or nation.

From a historical perspective alone, males of nearly all notable ethnicity have dominated the world stage in terms of rights, privileges, and power--and white, heterosexual males in particular.

Source: Table 1 on p. 3, Figure 2 on p. 4.\nAdults unable to read prose at a 'proficient' level, by race/ethnicity: White - 83%, Asian/Pacific Islander - 88%, Hispanic - 96%, Black - 98%.Adults unable to read prose at a 'proficient' level, by educational attainment: High school graduates - 96%, College graduates - 69%, Graduate studies/degrees - 59%.

But wouldn't you be at least a little bit afraid that someone's watching for people browsing to those sites, discovering your ethnicity and background, and slapping you onto the list?From the other side, why wouldn't the watcher put you on the list, just in case?

These standards generally reflect a social definition of race and ethnicity recognized in this country and they do not conform to any biological, anthropological, or genetic criteria.

They tiptoe around it quite a bit in their amici briefs, but the Supreme Court will eventually get a little irate if you meticulously avoid saying what you're actually petitioning for, so they have committed on paper to positions like:"[Harvard and the peer institutions signing this brief] accordingly urge the Court to interpret \nthe Constitution, consistent with Bakke and Grutter, to \ncontinue to allow educational institutions to structure \nadmissions programs that take account of race and ethnicity as single factors within a highly individualized, \nholistic review process.

Ethnicity definitions


an ethnic quality or affiliation resulting from racial or cultural ties; "ethnicity has a strong influence on community status relations"