Escort in a sentence as a noun

Skip and a hop away from being an escort agency where you show up with roses as donations.

After 10PM I will escort a woman home regardless of how annoying I find her.

So you gently escort them out and if they become too belligerent then you have the police handle it.

That's 30 minutes you weren't "doing your job".And perhaps you're not authorized to escort children.

So I stood up and said "please escort me out the door, starting immediately I am resigning.

For spent nuclear fuel, "armed escorts [are required] in heavily populated areas.

I predict this employee will have a short and sweet talk with his manager on Monday, followed by a quick exit interview with HR. Optional escort out of the building by security.

Escort in a sentence as a verb

The next morning, they'd have security officers escort workers back to their former offices so they could get personal pictures and things.

If I stay out late with a girl, it's almost automatic that I will escort her home regardless of the inconvenience to me. Black women often wear a keffiyeh at night to avoid racially motivated attacks.

Foreign persons aren't allowed around the mission systems aircraft without an escort, and aren't supposed to even see the panoramic display in the cockpit.

To play a slightly comical *****'s advocate, what if Neil Armstrong had intentionally angled the camera down to avoid photographing their flying saucer escort?

I, however, am getting increasingly uncomfortable with Google sitting in my living room, and am increasingly tempted to escort them politely but firmly to the door and then deliberately misplace their address.

Canada has a different cultural expectation of what free speech means than the US. If it takes a single report to make the sort of complaint about "unusual speech", do we need to accept anyone's standard threshold anywhere in the world?If a DC police officer, who sometimes works as a motorcycle escort for the First Lady, can jokingly say that he want to **** her, and purportedly shows another officer a picture of the weapon he will use to do so, then surely that's a much more serious threat, with specific access and ability.

Escort definitions


someone who escorts and protects a prominent person

See also: bodyguard


the act of accompanying someone or something in order to protect them

See also: accompaniment


an attendant who is employed to accompany someone


a participant in a date; "his date never stopped talking"

See also: date


accompany as an escort; "She asked her older brother to escort her to the ball"


accompany or escort; "I'll see you to the door"