Energizing in a sentence as a noun

And her personality was truely fun and energizing.

As an extrovert, I can be a wallower but want to stay out all night because the ambiance is energizing.

We've got so much work to do it's not even funny, but the community that has grown up around Bootstrap is so energizing.

It's serene and meditative, you work outdoors, it's really energizing.

It's exhausting trying to pep up founders who aren't really cut out for startups, whereas talking to the best founders is net energizing.

Her style is definitely different, but after discovering her last year and reading a ton of posts, I find it energizing.

Energizing in a sentence as an adjective

I really enjoyed this - really energizing and inspiring.

One can have even more of a positive impact by educating and energizing the electorate than as one lone politician.

"This month marks the nine-month anniversary of the most natural and obvious, most joyful and energizing decision of my life: to fully commit 100% to my life's work.

Maybe it should also flag lazy CEO words like harmonize, energizing, innovation, dialogue, synthesize, ubiquitous, ambient intelligence, digitize, maximize, empower, enable, ...

"Such areas may include understanding intuitively others' needs, knowing how to create a productive, energizing or otherwise desirable environment, understanding and responding to the respective energy levels of others and being aware and dealing with, in an organized manner, the gestalt.

" disclaimers about personal viewpoints and preferences>Just want to focus on the pursuit of perfection that I find so energizing - to put another way, if you had someone this passionate running each of the major airlines, I wonder what air travel would be like instead of the race-to-the-bottom experience it is now.

Energizing definitions


the activity of causing to have energy and be active

See also: activating activation


supplying motive force; "the complex civilization of which Rome was the kinetic center"- H.O.Taylor

See also: energising kinetic