Energising in a sentence as an adjective

It's energising to work on a product you use, it's draining to work on one you don't.

Ultimately they are seriously energising, and not for people who sit at the back or like to take time off for sightseeing.

Suddenly energising a section of grid which has been isolated from all known power sources could easily **** someone working on it.

I've worked with average developers who can anticipate customer needs from a spec better than most and are energising for a team.

Umm, didn't the more radical right-wing Russian posts, while energising the alt-right, equally discredit Trump in the eyes of liberals?

The endless discussions on every topic are forever energising!

It may feel energising - especially after you're done -, the same way exercise does, but people who think that meditation is "just relaxation" usually have no idea what is involved.

Having tried raw liver myself and experiencing the stimulating energising effects compared to cooked liver, I wonder how much folded proteins created by cooking food contributes its own problems.

Energising definitions


supplying motive force; "the complex civilization of which Rome was the kinetic center"- H.O.Taylor

See also: energizing kinetic