Emigrant in a sentence as a noun

I searched Google for "emigrant planets" and the npr article is the number 1 result for that.

My neighbors grandfather was a emigrant miner for twenty years.

I am a textbook case of the Danish emigrant the politicians say they want back to Denmark.

But the way the state has been treating returning Danish emigrants with foreign wives in the last decade, I feel the country has cut people like me off entirely.

They also traced the fibers of the shawl to polish or russian origins, which would be consistent with belonging to the polish emigrant.

As a Polish emigrant who's 15 years younger, a lot of this reminded me of the journey my parents had to undertake to get to the United States.

And a lot of the time, if you’re a Green Card holder, or emigrant citizen, not only are they required to withhold it, but you’re also forbidden from claiming it.

I had no idea that:"Or maybe it got ejected astronomers are finding emigrant planets, lonely orbs that wander the universe with no star, just drifting.

From the Wikipedia article:> The young emigrant from Lebanon who came through Ellis Island in 1895 never became an American citizen; he loved his birthplace too much

Immigration contributes to overpopulation, both by importing new people and causing replacement breeding in the emigrant nation.

Is it just me that finds the situation rather ironic considering the fact that unfair taxes levied on emigrant citizens was the main reason for Americans to seek independence from the British in the first place?

Emigrant definitions


someone who leaves one country to settle in another

See also: emigre emigree outgoer