Eloquence in a sentence as a noun

Cannot find such eloquence these days," they will lament.

I feel like I'm always trying to make this point to people, and doing so with far less eloquence.

"Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force.

Please don't think eloquence is a skill that comes naturally.

Code is like speech in that it is judged by the eloquence, not the speed, of its delivery.

Has pretty much the exact right levels of focus, clarity and eloquence.

As someone who struggles to distill his answers, I thought there was an eloquence and wisdom in his brevity.

The nagging issue for me is the extremely unusual eloquence of the victim.

The admiration and respect that Eric Schmidt have for Steve is heart-warming and the eloquence is impressive.

"I come from a state that raises corn and cotton and cockleburs and Democrats, and frothy eloquence neither convinces nor satisfies me. I am from Missouri.

Your comment reminds me of this discussion I had before here on HN and someone made a reply that has stuck with me to this day in its eloquence.

I am a firm believer and follower of concise eloquence so avoiding calling a spade a spade is akin to heresy.

I like how you are arguing this for sanskirt, that maintaining words or parses in an ancient dead language for eloquence, historical, cultural heritage is wrong.

While I've followed this story quite extensively, this is first time I've actually watched an interview with Snowden, and I was very impressed with his intelligence, thoughtfulness, depth of knowledge and eloquence.

The following was a real eye-opener for me, as I always thought from someone's speech, you could infer how much mental horsepower they had [1]:""Spontaneous eloquence seems to me a miracle," confessed Vladimir Nabokov in 1962.

"Anyway, running a country on eloquence alone hasnt worked out disastrously or at least not yet"The largest empire the world has ever seen whittled down to its homeland, a naval base in the med, and some godforsaken islands in the south atlantic.

But as nature has not formed us after this fashion, the talents of many men lie concealed within them, and this renders it so difficult to lay down an accurate theory of any art. However an artist may promise to exert his talents, if he have not either plenty of money, or a good connexion from his situation in life; or if he be not gifted with a good address or considerable eloquence, his study and application will go but little way to persuade persons that he is a competent artist.

The usual response was mumbled with the eloquence of a five year old, and said something about copyright infringement not being the same as theft and whatever the developers did someone would just crack it so why should anyone pay for games?Fast forward a few years, and almost all the AAA games are heavily linked with some on-line element and the most successful games tend to be either multiplayer subscription models or rely heavily on in-app purchases and DLC.

Eloquence definitions


powerful and effective language; "his eloquence attracted a large congregation"; "fluency in spoken and written English is essential"; "his oily smoothness concealed his guilt from the police"

See also: fluency smoothness