Elevate in a sentence as a verb

If you see a case, elevate it to your manager.

This is real life, you look for edges not to abuse them but to help them elevate you.

You take financial aid to get a degree to elevate you.

I know it's intended to elevate the content on the site, but it just ends up being kind of rude.

There is no need to pull him down and artificially elevate Woz to something he was not.

I am a touch claustrophobic so they were afraid that a CT scan would elevate my blood pressure, so they drugged me.

Cook's a terrible guy to be the same type of CEO as Jobs was. But it doesn't follow from that that he's a terrible CEO, and I think it's exactly why he took the opportunity to elevate Ive to head of all design.

That indicates to me that it is inaccurate to elevate this phenomenon higher than the social and economic support structures.

And we’ve been working with historically black colleges and universities to elevate coursework and attendance in computer science.

People living below the poverty line need to find some way to sustain themselves, and elevate themselves to a situation where they can think about tackling societal challenges.

Here's essentially the thought process behind the downvotes:You: "the market organises to elevate the best and raise standards for all others"Everybody else: "And I'm the Queen of England.

I am not sure what -- whether it's just lots of marketers trying to game the system or Pinterest itself that tries to manipulate notifications to elevate engagement, but something's not right there.

The brand — and the TV ad, the movie and the fictional spokesman — is hyperaware of its own fictionality and thus earns the right to simultaneously denigrate and elevate itself as divine.

I really dislike this idea that we should always elevate individual wants over the overall societal benefit of having integrated societies with low levels of inequality.

That manifest-less installers should fail because a user forgot to manually elevate a program by shift-right clicking it and selecting "Run as Administrator", all because they upgraded their OS and now their installers won't run any more?

Elevate definitions


give a promotion to or assign to a higher position; "John was kicked upstairs when a replacement was hired"; "Women tend not to advance in the major law firms"; "I got promoted after many years of hard work"

See also: promote upgrade advance raise


raise from a lower to a higher position; "Raise your hands"; "Lift a load"

See also: raise lift


raise in rank or condition; "The new law lifted many people from poverty"

See also: lift raise