Elaboration in a sentence as a noun

You're right, their description should be clearer, or have an elaboration or something.

An open invitation: If you see me being glib and handwavy, please, ask for an elaboration.

Don't send a resume - That's a huge statement and your supporting points are severely lacking in elaboration.

Stripe asked very similar questions prior to provisioning the account, but didn't require a phone call or elaboration.

Feel free to ask me for elaboration if you need any, in particular if you have a CTO or other bosscritter who you need help convincing of the importance of this.

Feel free to ask for more elaboration if you do not understand the mechanics of how this works, or why it will quickly dominate the pool of people willing to receive $50 in consideration for $100 of Starbucks cards.

The field of programming and, I would argue, computer science at large, is much more diverse now, and I think the text could have a broader reach with slightly different examples and exercises, and perhaps a bit more elaboration.

The most important decision you need to make in your job is determining when your tools are good enough and don't need further elaboration -- at a certain point you need to stop *********** about your toolchain, and just ship your project.

Also writing from a lawyer's perspective, I'll mention the elaboration of rules of evidence that has developed both in formal rules like the federal rules and in centuries of common-law tradition in deciding cases.

The author wants to draw you into the philosophy of software development, with its mix of processes and productivity hacks; the elaboration in that sentence serves to paint a more vivid picture of the tech work environment.

Endorsement out of the way I have one quibble and some elaboration:I don't exactly love conflating buyer's remorse with payment fraud, since buyer's remorse is a psychological phenomenon and happens independently of fraudulent intent.

Elaboration definitions


addition of extra material or illustration or clarifying detail; "a few remarks added in amplification and defense"; "an elaboration of the sketch followed"

See also: amplification


the result of improving something; "he described a refinement of this technique"

See also: refinement


a discussion that provides additional information

See also: expansion enlargement


marked by elaborately complex detail

See also: elaborateness intricacy involution


developing in intricate and painstaking detail