Egress in a sentence as a noun

Does this mean that proper egress filtering would solve this?

I've seen more compromised boxes than one can shake a stick at. There's all sorts of reasons that blocking egress is a great idea.

[0] Also, what consumer level ISP allows egress of packets with a spoofed source IP?

If more edge routers did proprer egress filtering these attacks would be harder to pull off.

The avenues of approach and egress from your location may have been rigged to blow while you were engaged.

They are still behind a firewall, though, and you have just as much control over ingress and egress traffic as you did before.

Egress in a sentence as a verb

I am surprised that the article did not mention egress filtering alongside closing open resolvers.

The reason is that ordering of next hops / egress interfaces are generally included in assignment of flows to next hop.

The closer you can get to the subscriber wherein they must pass only a handful of egress to upstream connectivity the better.

I think the main reason that Apple doesn't include MicroSD is that they want to control the entire product experience, including data ingress and egress.

Basically every entity got their own 32 bit address space and ingress/egress to the Internet resulted in encapsulation and some additional router magic.

And even then, the pervasive availability of mesh networking means that packets can find and use any available egress, which includes satellites, cell towers, and long-distance wifi.

Egress definitions


(astronomy) the reappearance of a celestial body after an eclipse

See also: emersion


the becoming visible; "not a day's difference between the emergence of the andrenas and the opening of the willow catkins"

See also: emergence issue


the act of coming (or going) out; becoming apparent

See also: egression emergence


come out of; "Water issued from the hole in the wall"; "The words seemed to come out by themselves"

See also: issue emerge