Effected in a sentence as an adjective

Are there humanities majors effected by this rule?

It's much more effected by things like boredom and engagement than anything else.

On BBC news a couple of weeks ago, there was some footage of lab workers in the effected area testing samples.

And I'm grateful that there are those who support causes even when they don't know anyone personally effected.

If you see a problem that is worth fixing and you fix it, then the change effected is important and even virtuous.

Shulgin's work directly and positively effected profound change in many lives.

As a result of a competitor creating spammy links to your site, your rankings in Google have been permanently negatively effected.

Some of them are due to just differences in historical context between the 60s and the 2000's, some are probably due to how Bell's monopoly effected it's R&D approaches, sure.

Obviously every financial decision is effected, even the tiniest purchases weigh into bigger questions like "will I have enough money in my bank account to pay rent on the first?

Actually, today the have effected a broad-reaching anti-piracy law that would outlaw any internet site that publishes links to illegal movie download or torrent-trackers.

Effected definitions


settled securely and unconditionally; "that smoking causes health problems is an accomplished fact"

See also: accomplished established