Outlaw in a sentence as a noun

It sucks to grab the first and then try to outlaw the second with TOS weasel-ry.

So when do they outlaw simulations of shooting people with guns?

Maybe the FDA should outlaw the sale of blood pressure monitoring devices.

Nobody is saying that there can't be extra fees, and this EU law does not outlaw extra fees.

Outlaw in a sentence as a verb

There is a common misconception that wanting to repeal a law means you support whatever that law outlawed.

It outlaws not telling the consumer about extra fees up-front, or sneaking extra fees into the purchase.

They are in a great position to leverage their ToS in a way that would effectively outlaw smaller competitors.

Would they go so far as to outlaw the production of Tesla vehicles in America because it goes against the Dealer protection racket?

Outlaw in a sentence as an adjective

"Considering that patents are entirely a government creation, "ban" or "outlaw" does not apply, for such language treats patents as something apart from the state.

TypesHaskell being statically typed will outlaw a large-ish number of direct lispisms until you provide the compiler sufficient type-based justification that the operation is OK.

Outlaw definitions


someone who has committed a crime or has been legally convicted of a crime

See also: criminal felon crook malefactor


declare illegal; outlaw; "Marijuana is criminalized in the U.S."

See also: criminalize criminalise illegalize illegalise


contrary to or forbidden by law; "an illegitimate seizure of power"; "illicit trade"; "an outlaw strike"; "unlawful measures"

See also: illegitimate illicit outlawed unlawful


disobedient to or defiant of law; "lawless bands roaming the plains"

See also: lawless