Earwax in a sentence as a noun

I had a doctor check out my ears, it turned out to be a small pea sized earwax in both of my ears...

Definitely not that, earwax -> outer ear, this thing -> middle ear.

I have never answered them and they seem very innocuous such as is your earwax wet?.

Each time, one ear would become louder, despite my own ears being clean and the headphones themselves being clear of earwax as well.

Just as a data point I've been using these for nearly six years and I have never had a problem with earwax or build quality.

Normally, earwax is secreted in the outer third of the ear and slowly travels outwards before flaking out.

My *** attempted to use water to eliminate what he believed was an earwax impaction 14 times on separate days.

[31] Racial differences also exist in the cerumen glands: apocrine sweat glands which produce earwax.

****, even wearing ear plugs in prolonged use can backup earwax enough to potentially cause impaction and bacterial infection.

If using a word, such as "disruptive", will give you a small gain in marketing advantage, or the lack of will give you a disadvantage, then people will always spam/abuse it until it becomes a meaningless buzzword, or until investor grew earwax to protect themselves from it, or until it is perceived that anyone uses this word is most likely BSing.

Earwax definitions


a soft yellow wax secreted by glands in the ear canal

See also: cerumen