Impaction in a sentence as a noun

What's nature's cure for wisdom teeth impaction?King Tut died of an infected broken leg.

Almost everyone gets them at some point, and impaction is very common, and all of this is well known.

The problem was that, after a few months of continuous daily use, I started to suffer inner ear impactions.

My *** attempted to use water to eliminate what he believed was an earwax impaction 14 times on separate days.

Although you also need to factor into that decision the impaction in certain majors at lots of the CalStates.

Well, with impaction causing deformation of the remaining bones, risk of infection etc I think I will wait until we can reprogram stem cells to make cartilage

****, even wearing ear plugs in prolonged use can backup earwax enough to potentially cause impaction and bacterial infection.

If your doctor can't remove the impaction, I'd recommend anybody with no history of them to request antibiotics as well as the standard wax removal treatment.

In fact there's multiple different filtration mechanisms at play, with interception and impaction working better for larger particles, and diffusion being more effective for smaller particles.

We do some things spectacularly right, and I adore the pants off this city, but it doesn't begin to mitigate the levels of auto-craniorectal impaction I see every day, public sector or private.

The impact that Ms. Lacks had on modern science cannot be understated, and it will be a good evening read that both gives you a basic run down of the impaction science that her cells had on modern medicine as well as a very sad story with some positive outlooks on the results of Ms. Lacks' contribution to modern medicine.

Impaction definitions


the condition of being pressed closely together and firmly fixed


a disorder in which feces are impacted in the lower colon


a disorder in which a tooth is so crowded in its socket that it cannot erupt normally


a sharp collision produced by striking or dashing against something

See also: impingement