Dynamical in a sentence as an adjective

My point is more that SimCity doesn't attempt to model a complex dynamical system at all.

The question is then, given the series of measurements, what is the best estimate of the state of the dynamical system?

Then they called it complexity, dynamical systems, evolvable systems, and so forth.

Here is a link to the actual research article, "Enhanced repertoire of brain dynamical states during the psychedelic experience.

The work of Poincare, the father of modern topology, for example, was motivated by studying PDEs and the behavior of dynamical systems.

From bifurcation theory we know that tiny changes in the parameters of a dynamical system can have huge seemingly unpredictable effects on the behavior.

I read the Hodgkin and Huxley papers, but I read them in a course in the math department-- they contain some of history's finest examples of mathematical modeling, relying heavily on dynamical systems and circuit theory.

A stylized fact of dynamical systems is that continuous feedback reduces volatility, whereas discrete step sizes increase it - witness how many numerical ODE solvers can blow up even while the underlying ODE is stable.

The naive understanding of economic systems libertarians display is actually fairly similar to what you see in introductory dynamical-systems courses.

Changes in the geometry of spacetime actually propagate at the speed of light, but the apparent effects of gravitation end up being instantaneous in all real-world dynamical systems, because things don't start or stop moving or gain or lose mass instantaneously for no reason.

This is a good overview, though as one minor quibble, the critique of "rational agents" is separate from the critique of equilibrium models: even if all economic actors are rational agents, that doesn't imply that everything converges instantly to nice equilibria with an absence of feedback loops, attractors, and the other typical nonlinear-dynamical-system pathologies.

There's an only half-joke that academics always want to reduce every field to their own: to an economist everything is analyzable with economic tools, to a sociologist everything is culture, to a physicist everything is physics and its minor epiphenomena, to a philosopher everything is philosophy plus implementation details, to a dynamical systems theorist everything is just instantiations of dynamical systems, etc.

Dynamical definitions


characterized by action or forcefulness or force of personality; "a dynamic market"; "a dynamic speaker"; "the dynamic president of the firm"

See also: dynamic