Stodgy in a sentence as an adjective

It doesn't look like a stodgy corporate behemoth, but it is.

This isn't the world of stodgy HR policies and training manuals.

That is boring stodgy stuff but it's the boring stuff that makes up politics and has a good track record of being successful.

The inner elite was stodgy and complacent, just like modern corporations with MBA culture.

The type of thing that separates a "Fast Company" from stodgy and likely to be disrupted companies.

Even stodgy old SQL projects like Postgres which pay a lot of attention to being correct and doing their damndest to preserve your data.

I hate to be that stodgy guy because I don't have a blanket hate of jquery but it doesn't seem like the best way of displaying a typeface :/

The vast majority of computer programming is done in "stodgy", "boring" settings, like offices and for government projects, so this really shouldn't be a surprise for that field.

It may have failed some deliveries yesterday, but crowing about how it's a stodgy beast and should embrace logistical technology like Amazon is preaching to the choir.

Stodgy definitions


heavy and starchy and hard to digest; "stodgy food"; "a stodgy pudding served up when everyone was already full"


(used pejoratively) out of fashion; old fashioned; "moss-grown ideas about family life"

See also: fogyish moss-grown mossy


excessively conventional and unimaginative and hence dull; "why is the middle class so stodgy, so utterly without a sense of humor?"; "a stodgy dinner party"

See also: stuffy