Dying in a sentence as a noun

A couple of swear words in the victim's dying breaths?

It can be worth even more if Larry Page is dying of thirst at the same time and starts a bidding war.

Obviously people are dying all the time, and some will indeed expire while twitter is down].

This would use taxpayer dollars to enforce dying copyright regimes.

As someone who's somewhat interested in their platform but not dying to develop for it, I'm not going to do that.

Interesting article but this is nothing new. Russian villages have been dying for centuries- life was always better and easier in the cities.

Dying in a sentence as an adjective

Home automation is just dying to take off and there's a pile of gold for everyone if you just show a tiny bit of cooperation to get it started ...

At every step I would obsessively query my doctors for conditional probabilities: given what we'd just found out, what were the chances of dying?

Can it be said that such a large segment of humanity is doing nothing ennobling but is merely spending life dying a slow death while living worthless lives because work is done of necessity?

60 millions is pocket change for them, but the precedent this sets will endanger their business in many countries where press is dying and abusing their power to force governments to pass laws that will benefit their old business models very much to the detriment of Google.

His theme is a clarion call to shape your life, and the way you make a living, around things you love to do and to avoid dying a slow death by simply doing a job that makes money - the point being that it makes no sense to pursue modest comforts at the cost of spending your life doing soul-deadening things you don't like doing just because they earn you a livelihood.

Dying definitions


the time when something ends; "it was the death of all his plans"; "a dying of old hopes"

See also: death demise


in or associated with the process of passing from life or ceasing to be; "a dying man"; "his dying wish"; "a dying fire"; "a dying civilization"


eagerly desirous; "anxious to see the new show at the museum"; "dying to hear who won"