Clarion in a sentence as a noun

It's not a clarion call to **** an industry, it's a clarion call to accelerate creative destruction on an industry.

Let this be a clarion call, and please share with your coworkers and superiors: unless the code can be released in a proper open source format, it's better that you don't release it.

This clarion call for real porn is cyclical, and predictable in its failure - because that market is already being pandered to, and because most people would rather have real sex tham watch it.

Clarion in a sentence as a verb

Hrm... where was this clarion call for peace in the Second Congo War?The US should be proud of its achievements, but for the love of god, stop doing that all-too-American thing of taking all the credit.

Their existence's only positive value is as a clarion call to vigorous action by our legislators to amend the law to close the gap between the letter and spirit.

Such an incident is a clarion call that should spark a major uproar, but sadly we know that it will only serve to upset a handful: the last in America to care about the freedoms that once made it great.

Clarion in a sentence as an adjective

Beyond the macs and the pods and the phones and the pads, what I feel most grateful to Jobs for is the fact that he supplanted the old clarion cry "good is not good enough" with the much more powerful idea: "great is not great enough.

His theme is a clarion call to shape your life, and the way you make a living, around things you love to do and to avoid dying a slow death by simply doing a job that makes money - the point being that it makes no sense to pursue modest comforts at the cost of spending your life doing soul-deadening things you don't like doing just because they earn you a livelihood.

If we have, through the actions of our intelligence agencies, reached a point where American citizens must flee the country and take refuge in a traditionally maligned foreign power to effectively protect the Constitution and the People, it is a clarion call for the need to make a full stop, publicly work out these problems, and get ourselves back on the right track.

Clarion definitions


a medieval brass instrument with a clear shrill tone


blow the clarion


proclaim on, or as if on, a clarion


loud and clear; "a clarion call"