Drawing in a sentence as a noun

* I once did a drawing of a woman from the neck up, while tripping.

I was hiding dozens of other, nested, drawings inside the texture of the hair.

It still looked more or less like hair, but if you really looked at it, it was teeming with a whole bunch of unrelated drawings.

Down the hall from me were several men in their mid-eighties who were drawing $1MM+ pensions and turning up for work two days a week.

So I wrote the letters the wrong way on purpose, because making her mad was more important to me than drawing Latin runes.

Instead, what we see on the third slide is a cartoon drawing of a subject in which two contacts are labeled "active" and "reference".

This can be in writing, or drawing, or painting, or sculpting, or coding, or composing, or performing, or doing any other act requiring creativity.

Amazing how drawing two biased samples from a population can result in differing observations!

On the other hand, actually drawing and writing things out while discussing the topic slows things down a bit, allowing the audience to engage and understand the topic at a more learning-friendly pace.

During one surreal leadership presentation where hundreds of people joined via a web meeting and many more were present in person, someone forgot to lock down presenter rights, and people kept drawing on the slides.

Any shim that collects that information still has non-trivial work stuffing it into a buffer, and the overhead of drawing anything with more than a few hundred triangles soon becomes absurd.

As someone who struggled with *******, heroin and prescription opioid addictions throughout my teenage years, this resonates with me quite a bit, but I'm not sure if I agree with the conclusions the author is drawing.

Nothing wrong with that, just don't claim the chef is making vast strides in chemistry or forget that the chef is drawing on tons of home cooking going back a long time which some people have had in their homes well before it appeared on your menu.

We're drawing conclusions from Compete again?I've said this before and I'll say it again; using Compete for quantitative traffic comparisons is flawed, particularly with social sites that utilize embeddable content.

Occasional, specific discussions of events involving the tech community may be important simply because, in small amounts, they facilitate cohesion among the members by drawing our attention to things that may affect us as a whole.

Just like how people who aren't artists, if asked to draw someone's face, will end up drawing the abstraction of a face; people who aren't Engineers, if asked to formalize a system, will end up describing the vague, hard-AI-complete, "and then it just does what you'd expect okay!?

Some news reports are ridiculous by foreign standards: teachers not being allowed to shake hands with students out of fear of sexual harassment allegations, boys suspended from school for drawing guns, bystanders not administering first-aid to accident victims out of fear of lawsuits, and of course the terrorism hysteria for which I have no words.

Drawing definitions


an illustration that is drawn by hand and published in a book, magazine, or newspaper; "it is shown by the drawing in Fig. 7"


a representation of forms or objects on a surface by means of lines; "drawings of abstract forms"; "he did complicated pen-and-ink drawings like medieval miniatures"


the creation of artistic pictures or diagrams; "he learned drawing from his father"

See also: draftsmanship drafting


players buy (or are given) chances and prizes are distributed by casting lots

See also: lottery


act of getting or draining something such as electricity or a liquid from a source; "the drawing of water from the well"


the act of moving a load by drawing or pulling

See also: draft draught