Drafting in a sentence as a noun

It's likely she had a hand in drafting this statement.

- Looks like it was exported from a UI drafting app. - Looks unfinished.

We are drafting a response. Please give us a few minutes to get something up on the Q&A thread on our dev site.

I teach contract drafting to third-year law students. It's hard work to take a complex if-then-else concept and render it in plain English.

Finally, it can come about simply because of either poor drafting by a lawyer on the other side or simple attempts by a party to overreach. When you see this as a lawyer, what do you do about it?

I really love the drafting table parallel - it's especially interesting when you start thinking about what we can do with touch...

It's as though the author is living in a fantasy land where only positive information is taken into account when drafting an article.

"The point that Im trying to make is if youre going to spent months of your time and thousands of your dollars drafting a concept, hiring a team, and building a free and completely open source video game as a hobby, you better use zombies as your theme." That is not the right thing to have learned from this.

In the late 80's I went to vocational school to study architectural drafting, in no small part in order to get my hands on AutoCad. Part of that interest was AutoLisp. The best way to explain the idea behind AutoCad is that it was Emacs for vectors.

The bankruptcy trustee then begins drafting a memo to stakeholders of the corporation on the likely amount of liquid assets which the corporation controls to satisfy claims made against it."

The downside is that you have to deal with these governments even when drafting agreements where "the good guys", if you can even come up with a cohesive list of who they would be, all agree to principles that would substantially improve things. Yes, it is infuriating whenever some dictatorship effectively shuts down some initiative, but it is the reality we have to live in as long as these regimes exist.

That has been happening for a long time now in the patent field as armies of very bright lawyers have found clever ways to concoct patents out of what really should be unpatentable ideas through the art of clever drafting. Well, this decision gives top-down guidance to judges to cut through such dissimulation in the area of patents and to look at the reality by asking, in effect, "is this really inventive or is it simply a product of the draftsman's craft parading as being somehow inventive."

The fantastic teams either divided up the sections by areas of interest or expertise, or delegated the task of drafting the paper to the person who expressed interest and professed great ability in writing -- allowing everyone else to do research, discuss and debate the topics, and so forth.

Quote Examples using Drafting

From there went into the drafting room. From there learned more engineering. When I was in my teens he was designing satellite test rigs for BA. Ended up a very expensive contractor specialising in conveyor systems of all things. My partner's dad never went to university. Entered an apprenticeship scheme at Chatham Dockyard. Started off painting navy ships during construction. Moved into drafting office.


Drafting definitions


writing a first version to be filled out and polished later


the craft of drawing blueprints


the creation of artistic pictures or diagrams; "he learned drawing from his father"

See also: drawing draftsmanship