Downstairs in a sentence as an adjective

After each of these sessions, Teuber would haul the game back downstairs for further refinement.

It's kind of annoying except I work above my bank so it's pretty easy to walk downstairs.

My roommate had to abandon the room, and two individuals in adjoining rooms were driven downstairs to the living room.

In fact whenever I'm back in Melbourne I miss having an entire shopping centre plus the train station literally just downstairs from home.

Downstairs in a sentence as an adverb

Like someone else said - this would open up more channels to you and prevent the guy downstairs running a microwave or buying a cordless phone from screwing with your signal.

I'll see your anecdote and raise you another one:A friend's downstairs neighbour regularly complained of 'electromagnetic hypersensitivity'; it got to the point where the building manager asked that my friend stop using wifi entirely.

Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, polkers, or whatever else was at hand?

How come they never write articles like this profiling the 22-year-old who's just starting out in the world and is desperatly trying to make ends meet while paying market rate for a tiny apartment?Or three of them packed in a walkup one-bedroom and paying double the rent of their downstairs neighbor who's of much greater means but had the good fortune of being born a few years earlier?Or the young artist who had to leave SF altogether because they couldn't afford to pay market rate and didn't have enough San Francisco seniority to qualify for a hefty rent-control subsidy?

Downstairs definitions


on or of lower floors of a building; "the downstairs (or downstair) phone"

See also: downstair


on a floor below; "the tenants live downstairs"

See also: below