Disincentive in a sentence as a noun

What they do is provide for punishment for people found to be doing them, which then provides a disincentive.

If you want this to stop, you have to give the clients a disincentive. That will drive the good clients out and these firms will be left with erectile dysfunction flim-flam as their market.

Single mothers have a strong disincentive to work - a job has to cover whatever they receive now, plus child care costs. If you don't have good job prospects, few jobs pay enough to do this.

You do have a pretty strong disincentive for inviting people you don't know. Any member want to break up the cliquishness by inviting me?

If I'm being sued by a big record company, then unless I'm absolutely 100% sure I'm going to win, wouldn't a loser-pays system be an even bigger disincentive to fight it in court? I'm sure their lawyers cost much more than mine do.

Managers have a disincentive to overrepresent their team to their peers, and managers are perfectly fine pre-sorting their lists. Again, it's easier and better for them to do so.

If this sort of backlash becomes common, there will be a disincentive for artists to sign up with records who indulge in such nonsense. Perhaps the system will adapt such that prosecutions like this would be eliminated.

We might not be able to guarantee that corporations never overstep the bounds we set, but the threat of a lawsuit can be a powerful disincentive.

This could be seen as a disincentive to share if you don't want your face popping up on search results for people outside your immediate network. It also makes friends who are ignorant or careless about privacy more of a liability.

This creates an enormous disincentive to take risks and I think plays a major role in why the only successful Japanese start-up that I can think of that has gone big in the last 20 years or so is Rakuten. I can't blame students for simply asking, "Why should I take the risk?

I find that going into a thread an hour or two old and seeing comments with 50-100 points is a major disincentive to commenting, even if I have something to say. That comment or couple of comments and their resulting threads are going to make sure very few people ever read what I've written.

Because you need a few bits and bobs to get your pi working there is a major disincentive to complete and finish whatever that hobby project was to be. Hence the situation with my pi - the wait for bits and bobs, a small bout of illness and the initial enthusiasm gone.

That creates a strong disincentive for me to spend time coming up with a good answer: I'll basically get limited credit from it and then have to watch as wanna-be editors essentially vandalize it. The other thing these people do is close questions on the drop of a hat.

They simply have no disincentive for this kind of irresponsible and unprofessional behavior at the moment.

The patent system is actually becoming a net disincentive to innovation, especially software. We hope Congress and the Supreme Court are paying attention.

It looks the same as every other Medium blog, after all; that's a strong disincentive to people promoting links their blog root, since they can't brand it--and I think that's intentional on Medium's part. Instead, you just find someone's Medium posts shared in your feed on some sharing service, because someone you know linked to them.

The meta-moderation aspect of someone subjectively reviewing my endorsements is a disincentive to participating in that moderation. The number of people that can upvote is very high, yet most comments probably sit at 1 point despite not being mean or stupid.

And you remove the disincentive effect on productivity that most welfare schemes have. Most academic libertarians, in my experience, aren't of the sort that thinks private property rights is the sole criterion and sole justification for everything; their opposition to government activities is based a lot more on how it distorts price signals, public choice issues, and issues of implementation.

Disincentive definitions


a negative motivational influence

See also: deterrence