Dishonor in a sentence as a noun

As if there is some dishonor for being a dedicated and skilled craftsperson.

Considering that it took my bank 33 days to tell me my check had been returned, he did not think they had dishonored the check in time.

And pointing out that people sometimes dishonor contracts does not imply that the concept of contract is useless.

As such, there is no dishonor in absconding to a country with more favorable politics.

She is fully expecting to dishonor her family in the near future, just not before they have paid for her college.

There is no dishonor in giving audiences an expanded version of your thoughts as of a few essays ago.

"You guys need to understand that these guys are super Japanese, complete with the culture of never wanting to show dishonor.

Dishonor in a sentence as a verb

You guys need to understand that these guys are super Japanese, complete with the culture of never wanting to show dishonor.

Every sect I am aware of agrees that you should not **** someone simply because they anger, disappoint, or "dishonor" you.

Instead of dishonoring those liars as the liars that they obviously are... our society just does nothing.

I don't think you meant it that way, but you dishonor their suffering by using the word gift associated with watching a loved one slowly die.

It goes back to the merchant as an R10, and the merchant usually deals with it in some other form, though if they've got a good relationship with their bank, they can dishonor the return.

Dishonesty and dishonor was the norm, and in my experience, most of the people who actually did their own work and had a knack for engineering went on to do very well.

For this to be truly dishonorable, one would first have to accept that the enormous influenced by relationship status and physical appearance is a good thing.

Dishonor definitions


a state of shame or disgrace; "he was resigned to a life of dishonor"

See also: dishonour


lacking honor or integrity

See also: dishonour


bring shame or dishonor upon; "he dishonored his family by committing a serious crime"

See also: disgrace dishonour attaint shame


force (someone) to have sex against their will; "The woman was raped on her way home at night"

See also: rape ravish violate assault dishonour outrage


refuse to accept; "dishonor checks and drafts"

See also: dishonour