Disharmonious in a sentence as an adjective

Would you say that, for example, “disharmonious” is a rare word?

And even now, it’s half as common as disharmonious, which is a commonplace word.

But if you think that a word like “disharmonious” is in any sense rare, then I don’t think I can convince you with data.

I’m not sure what you’re trying to say here; pulchritude twice as rare as disharmonious, which is relatively rare.

What led you to pick disharmonious as a comparison point, anyway?

Except that pulchritude beats disharmonious for over a hundred years.

I think if you're going to use "disharmonious" as your benchmark, you should be comparing it with "pulchritudinous" instead.

They're not vested with the power and mission to censor opinions deemed odious or disharmonious.

Yet the thinking shown on these slides is quite the opposite:* it introduces attribute changes in the markup that seem disharmonious with CSS selector syntax.

In short time you will develop an intuitive understanding of using the colour sliders in graphic programs to design harmonious or disharmonious colour scales.

If gut bacteria is disharmonious or not getting enough fiber it consumes intestinal mucous which creates inflammation

In particular, the NYT and other large media organizations seem to talk as though the internet became abruptly disharmonious during the election.

DeKooning erased and covered and added, obsessively for years, often leaving the “final product” as an aesthetically disharmonious “ugly painting”.

Office hours as a concept are easily one of the weirdest and most confusing things ever because they simultaneously encompass at least two entirely different disharmonious concepts.

They interplay certainly, but how should I put it, some of Economists editorials recently do seem disharmonious with overall enlightened character of their commentary.

Disharmonious definitions


lacking in harmony

See also: discordant dissonant inharmonic