Disenchant in a sentence as a verb

Sometimes a string of bad luck can really disenchant a person.

Then i would disenchant them and sell the byproduct. It was time consuming, but i made a lot of money and it took a long time before anyone else figured it out and joined in.

If negative, anonymous feedback here disuades and disenchants them, what hope is there? Are we going to have a Safe Place section of the site, to protect applicants from all bad things?

And that is doing more to disenchant me with technology and applications than any other force, one crash to the desktop at a time.

Idk. But don't let the mastoverse disenchant you from federated Internet content.

And you can disenchant extra cards to get dust which can be used to straight up make any card in the game. They also monetize the game by offering an "arena" mode where you pick from 3 random heroes, then 30 sets of 3 random cards to make a deck.

It was maddening to play against - I'd be like "Okay, I'll flood 3 of your creatures, block your knight with my clay statue, and counterspell your disenchant." Typically games would run 40 turns with nobody doing any damage, and then all of a sudden I'd be like "...

It has duress, thorn of amethyst, nevermore, and into the roil main, with the option of getting disenchant, rule of law, and electroylze out of the side... as humans.

> If negative, anonymous feedback here disuades and disenchants them, what hope is there? Absolutely.

We thought the presidential race might make it look too partisan and distract from people really delving in, and that a random race could have 2 really ugly sites and also disenchant someone. So, we decided to put our philosophy up front and encourage people to delve in.

Laying inaccurate generalizations like this on the very people in positions to help solve the problem disenchants and disinterests them.

Patrickas, unless you want to alienate friends and disenchant people, please don't use a national flag to stand for a language. It irks me when I see the British/American flag used to mean "English Language"; just yesterday we were talking about a site that used the Saudi flag to mean "Arabic language".

Laying inaccurate generalizations like this on the very people in positions to help solve the problem disenchants and disinterests them. That women are not in positions to solve this issue or be empowered to not have to deal with these situations is the problem in the first place.

I'm sort of following a similar path, through dipping in and out of an undergrad CS degree now that I've sort of become disenchant with web dev. 27 now, but hoping to worm my way into deep learning in the Geospatial field or just some aspect of geo-spatial hopefully with some aspect of the work being field work or generally outside.

Whether and to what extent old politics is able to co-opt young media remains to be seen -- Obama's campaign certainly did it pretty successfully only to further disenchant a lot of young people with the political process. But eventually their generation will become the dominant political force in this country, and if old media continues to approach politics the way it does now, it's going to die when that happens.

Disenchant definitions


free from enchantment

See also: disillusion