Digitise in a sentence as a verb

Then they cut it up and automatically digitise it.

The one disappointing thing with the Quebecois folk scene is that they're so slow to digitise their albums and sell them on Bandcamp!

Related: I wanted to make a highlighter that would be able to read what it highlights and then digitise it and send it to my computer.

They then presented it to the powers that be, saying "Look, we can digitise the whole of government and make it look like this, AND save hundreds of millions of pounds!

Wouldn't the FBI have the technical capability to use optical character recognition to digitise the keys to actual text?

Itchy is helping patients digitise their treatment plans and is now available across the world, helping people with psoriasis and atopic eczema.

I have never seen one in the flesh.\nDo you still find that you use your original Kindle, the eInk display one I presume?I am trying to get rid of the books that I have and digitise them or get digital copies if I can. I ought to use one of those book-scanning services to digitise them and make the house empty.

Don't digitise and load stuff onto internet-connected devices without recognising the potential risks.

Is it any different to constructing a practical replica of a real-life location?Can someone wearing a few cameras walk through a building and digitise it completely without getting the owner's permission?

This is horrible, especially the quote "So why to waste these focussed eyeballs" – these focused eyeballs were being used to digitise the world's books, which to me is far more valuable than an attempt to replace something good in the world with advertising.

That there's obvious internal disquet about their new direction should be fairly disqueting to you.> Could you describe in what ways you think Google is building an institution that leads them inevitably toward doing evil?It doesn't matter how many websites Google crawl or books they digitise, we don't have to trust them or their intentions or any of their staff.

Digitise definitions


put into digital form, as for use in a computer; "he bought a device to digitize the data"

See also: digitize digitalize digitalise