Diabolically in a sentence as an adverb

In both cases, when runs at pace with the ball he's diabolically good.

Ed is diabolically horrible, it was the worst feature of CP/M.

If it's not a diabolically weird motor, there will be a motor controller to deal with it.

And hate of the diabolically horrible Ed is something you and I share.

Google can use my information to serve me diabolically targeted ads.

"And using your cell number as identity and your contacts list as a social graph is diabolically simple.

It is usually just a single character, and thus, not reading it does not require much effort, so I don't think it is diabolically evil.

> ...mincraft is a diabolically addictive gameYes, Minecraft is really addictive.> So what age should I set him up with mincraft?

Also I did my run using M not K although a motivated lunatic would use G, I suppose, to really torture a NAS. Isn't this a diabolically insane and funny way to solve the problem?On a simpler level, or a differently crazy level, you can do all your math in octal, just because.

Why on earth would you even start learning to program if you didn't find something diabolically fascinating about learning a new syntax for symbolic computation?C, C++, APL, etc.

It's a diabolically clever political strategy, and it ensnares many a well-intentioned voter.

We would need to see substantial advances in performance by ARM manufacturers that we just aren't seeing yet - maybe NVidia has the capacity to make it happen?The second problem is that trying to take an application that runs on a powerful Intel chip, and then emulate the Intel instruction set on an ARM chip would be just diabolically slow.

Diabolically definitions


as a devil; in an evil manner; "his writing could be diabolically satiric"

See also: devilishly fiendishly