Devilishly in a sentence as an adverb

Not seen many people on the "NSA are evil" side arguing that they are devilishly competent.

Although, devilishly close enough to blur the two in somebody's mind.

But a Basic Income would have $0/hr worth of overheadThis doesn't sound plausible to me. People are devilishly clever when it comes to bilking large bureaucracies out of free money.

I've always loved date-time problems because it's one of those things that seems straightforward and simple, but when you drill down into it, turns out to be devilishly hard.

Average case complexity is devilishly hard in general, and even worst case complexity is super hard.

> I'm reading it from my devilishly closed iPad and I can't watch the video because it's in a format incompatible with the devices many people use to surf the internet everydayAre you sure you're not mixing roles here ?

It can be devilishly difficult to distinguish between someone who is lying and someone who is misinformed, and that task becomes exponentially more complicated when the underlying "fact" is itself uncertain.

In this field it can be devilishly difficult to construct good unit tests and ways of hitting bits of algorithms -- I am currently working on an algorithm which has function which I believe is required but which I cannot construct test data for my external API which causes it be called.

The gist: Consumer behavior is so erratic that even in a giant, careful trial, it’s devilishly difficult to arrive at a useful conclusion about whether advertisements work.\n>\n> For example, when the researchers calculated the return on investment for each ad campaign, the median standard error was a massive 51 percent.

Devilishly definitions


as a devil; in an evil manner; "his writing could be diabolically satiric"

See also: diabolically fiendishly


in a playfully devilish manner; "the socialists are further handicapped if they believe that capitalists are not only wicked but also devilishly clever"

See also: devilish


(used as intensives) extremely; "she was madly in love"; "deadly dull"; "deadly earnest"; "deucedly clever"; "insanely jealous"

See also: madly insanely deadly deucedly