Devolution in a sentence as a noun

"I want my kid to hate the homosexers and not learn about devolution!

Still, I think Thomas is right: your comment is an example of what needs to be avoided to prevent further devolution.

This is not so much devolution of reading habits as democratization of computer usage.

I am a big believer in federalism and even further devolution of power to smaller polities.

A cool policy would be allowing European regions to gain independence from their larger state incumbent on devolution of some powers to the EU.

\n...\nThe permissionless innovation and devolution of power fostered by the Internet may be obvious, or nearly so, in retrospect, but not in advance.

A streamlined, embeddable Facebook with a smaller length limit?Maybe I'm too annoyed with Twitter's devolution to see this rationally as an investor.

So, tonight, the Conservative Party, which wants the Act repealed and opposes even devolution, will march through the Lobby with the SNP, which wants independence for Scotland, and with the Liberals, who want to keep the Act.

I've certainly noticed a devolution into overly-simplified caricatures of common arguments in modern discourse.

Devolution definitions


the process of declining from a higher to a lower level of effective power or vitality or essential quality

See also: degeneration


the delegation of authority (especially from a central to a regional government)

See also: devolvement