Device in a sentence as a noun

This device is a godsend, as far as I'm concerned.

Because the responsive design was well done and fit that device's screen great.

It's nice to hear this kind of device review from a corner you don't usually hear it from.

The web was device independent from the get-go.

User has no way to verify which, or how many devices they are sending to.

And this is before you even lay eyes on what passes for news design on a monitor or device screen these days.

Sending device has no way to verify those keys belong to the intended recipient.

Plus remember, Apple can push whatever software they want to your personal device.

So now anyone who can mint certificates from a CA trusted by the device can just assume Apple's position.

* In 1988 I was approached by a military contractor with a GPS board they built that needed to have a device driver built for SCO Unix.

There is not a single glucose device on the market that lets you extract the data out of your glucose monitor and crunch the data how you want.

These companies would prefer you rot in the dark, than to lose one bit of profit.- Three, if one of these devices is not 100% perfect, it gets shot down and banned from the market.

I believe that this application actually does connect to Apple's servers from the phone, but it doesn't then interpret the protocol on the device.

But every drug or device or surgery needs someone to be first, and a few brave risk takers could both benefit their own health and push humanity forward.

I, like just about every person in the thread I linked, would pay $10k+ for one of these, despite the reduced accuracy over traditional devices.

Iphones have made it normal to buy a computing device that has artificial restrictions preventing you from running whatever software you want on it.

He must be on the interstate, judging from the road gradient we can hear.- Dick joins from his laptop, where the microphone is conveniently part of the same physical device as the keyboard.

I have worked on hacking these devices to extract data and the legal verbiage around these activities has strongly discouraged me from releasing anything.

And it wont be that easy for people to follow it Another example [6]: The agency has urged hospitals to allow vendors to guide them on security of sophisticated devices.

So I pushed on them "why this strict timing" and after many signed documents and stuff I don't really want to know I showed them we could build a device driver interface that allowed them to achieve their needed result.

This kind of Monday morning quarterbacking is unfortunately usually done by people who've never shipped a drug or device in their lives, like most politicians, journalists, or federal regulators.

In an effort to disguise and mitigate the fact that they have little idea how to publish digital content properlyoften sneakily called "differentiation"some news outlets release apps for digital devices.

Oh, that's in there too... they ship a 'configuration profile' which adds a new email account, so your password is leaving the device in cleartext and being used to create the profile server-side which is then shipped back to the phone and installed, how exactly?This just gets worse and worse if I understand correctly... I'm surprised that configuration profiles can be shipped to an arbitrary device from a third party this way without the user manually installing LinkedIn's certificate as trusted.

Device definitions


an instrumentality invented for a particular purpose; "the device is small enough to wear on your wrist"; "a device intended to conserve water"


something in an artistic work designed to achieve a particular effect


any clever maneuver; "he would stoop to any device to win a point"; "it was a great sales gimmick"; "a cheap promotions gimmick for greedy businessmen"

See also: gimmick twist


any ornamental pattern or design (as in embroidery)


an emblematic design (especially in heraldry); "he was recognized by the device on his shield"