Detainment in a sentence as a noun

By all means, keep him locked up and off the streets, but trying to frame this detainment as a "punishment" is how we start down a very dark road.

He's still the commander in chief and he could still order the end to the detainment program even if he can't cause the base to be closed.

It could also, or even instead, be about detainment and isolation.

Were these prisoners declared as POWs, they could never have their detainment and crimes reviewed, presided over, or decided by tribunals.

After all, the US government likes to round up random people around the world and put them in max security detainment as kind of a boredom fighting game right?

Indefinite detainment and torture is never warranted, especially for a US citizen.

This individual door system is a security camera and a remote override away from individual detainment.

"Totalitarianism" loses all meaning if you apply it to states that imprison foreigners captured in war. What developed country doesn't do this?Guantanamo is an example of improper treatment of POWs, not detainment of citizens in a totalitarian state.

Detainment definitions


a state of being confined (usually for a short time); "his detention was politically motivated"; "the prisoner is on hold"; "he is in the custody of police"

See also: detention hold custody