Hysteria in a sentence as a noun

You can't ignore false hysteria and expect it to go away.

The whole "shortage of IT talent" hysteria is way overblown when you look at the actual numbers.

I'd be willing to bet a lot of money that the mass hysteria and paranoia coming from this will cause far greater damage than any actual cases

And that meaningful investigation includes talking to staff outside of the bubble of hysteria that's currently going on.

It really did work wonders for clinical depression, even brought me right out of suicidal hysteria and despair within moments, but it comes with severe drawbacks.

I'm quite astonished by the disproportionate media attention and hysteria.

The newspaper which did so much to whip up hysteria during the years of the Bush administration now trying to raise concerns about the inmates of Guantanamo is shockingly cynical.

"One problem I noticed with the particular school we were helping to start was that the majority of the parents were technophobic to the point of hysteria: they literally asked me not to bring my laptop to meetings.

A somewhat related note is that America's culture of sex-negativity, shame and general hysteria around nudity is a required prerequisite for this type of bullying and abuse.

I don't think it's just "9/11 hysteria dying down" - post-Snowden, people are a lot more willing to accept that our government is abusive towards its own people, and thus it's harder to just wave off questions of the no-fly list with "well they're just doing what's good for us".

This reeks of 19th and 20th century medicine trying to explain female "hysteria".Explaining complex emotional and sociological behavior by rooting it in handfuls of brain slices is questionable to say the least.

Some news reports are ridiculous by foreign standards: teachers not being allowed to shake hands with students out of fear of sexual harassment allegations, boys suspended from school for drawing guns, bystanders not administering first-aid to accident victims out of fear of lawsuits, and of course the terrorism hysteria for which I have no words.

Hysteria definitions


state of violent mental agitation

See also: craze delirium frenzy fury


excessive or uncontrollable fear


neurotic disorder characterized by violent emotional outbreaks and disturbances of sensory and motor functions