Desiccate in a sentence as a verb

The sound waves it emit are able to desiccate clothing.

I don't touch it now, but I'd rather **** the bugs than leaving them to desiccate in storage.

As long as where they live isn't flooded by rising sea levels, or their farms aren't desiccated by drought....

Medieval torture devices on bugs; will desiccate them.

Really, the only crop we do sometimes desiccate in this part of the world are edible beans.

Some farmers with apply roundup just before harvest in order to desiccate the plant.

The desiccated feces could then be stored in much less volume than non desiccated feces and with less hassle.

Actually, farmers desiccate wheat before harvest because dying plants yield more seed.

The toilet would disinfect thoroughly with chlorine or ozone and then desiccate.

They probably did a huge dividend recap, then let the desiccated remains amble away to oblivion with a shrug.

Desiccate in a sentence as an adjective

The best products of these efforts are desiccation toilets that essentially desiccate the feces though various means.

I was intrigued to read prototype by js ninja book, and it is indeed mind blowing for someone new to js like me. I am looking forward to desiccate javascript libraries which provide highly functional interfaces and macros.

The legends say that some used it for something useful back when it was nascent, but all that's left is a desiccated husk, beaten daily by hecklers on forums across the Internet.

Which is surprisingly fast, but not so surprising when you realize that advancing flame fronts may be in the high hundreds to low thousands of degrees - plenty hot enough to quickly desiccate even the freshest leaf.

Geographically, it's dominated by a desiccated plateau: every watercourse carves a gorge, with the depth of gorge largely determined by how big the watercourse is.

People there desiccate their food or use spices like chili to make sure it stays esculent for a longer time, They don't have much water, so in my opinion it is pretty stupid to waste it for food if they have much better ways to conserve.

The last refuge is, of course, giving your opinion to a pollster, who will get a version of it through a desiccated question, and then will submerge it in a Niagara of similar opinions, and convert them into—what else?—another piece of news.

Except that both of those tools are the absolute worst at their respective jobs!Standard duct tape uses an awful adhesive that depending on the humidity turn into a gummy mess or desiccates into flakes -- either way leaving a difficult residue and not actually holding.

"The field of television is littered with the desiccated husks of eager artists of all stripes - from writers to casting directors, production designers, actors, scenic painters, set builders, and the people who embroider the backs of the chairs - who, in the name of their own honor and work ethic, wore themselves out on the wheel of "I'll know it when I see it"... and the high castles surrounding those fields are occupied by fat, bloated barons who sit on their comfy thrones wondering with great self pity why they can't seem to hire a staff that just "gets it.

Desiccate definitions


preserve by removing all water and liquids from; "carry dehydrated food on your camping trip"

See also: dehydrate


remove water from; "All this exercise and sweating has dehydrated me"

See also: dehydrate


lose water or moisture; "In the desert, you get dehydrated very quickly"

See also: exsiccate dehydrate


lacking vitality or spirit; lifeless; "a technically perfect but arid performance of the sonata"; "a desiccate romance"; "a prissy and emotionless creature...settles into a mold of desiccated snobbery"-C.J.Rolo

See also: arid desiccated