Pervious in a sentence as an adjective

At one my pervious jobs we took the 'model' out of a desktop app and put a web front on it.

For what it is worth I read your pervious comment as you intended and good job in your response.

In my pervious company, there were always large things we'd find out when we'd have team leaders meet up.

The reason is that app update may have required permission changes from a pervious version.

The pervious MagSafe ran "flushily" out of the back of the macbook, the new one juts out and is easily dislodged.

Having non white text over a high contrast photo with skinny text certainly is bold according to the pervious article.

However the same rules of hype, hyperbole, boom and bust that have governed all pervious cycles of human history still work in the information age. So none of this is new, and it won't be the last time it all happens either!

Three years later this new product has 40% of the functionality of the pervious version and has customers canceling contracts that have been with us for 10+ years.

Very similar to pervious Bloomberg stories, the sources and timings are very suspicious.

Sure, nixos is very forgiving to experiment with because you can easily rollback to a pervious configuration.

The roster exchange at the connection time is very expensive, and usually only sends data to the client that the client probably has already stored locally from a pervious session.

It's a larger library than pervious grid systems but it's modular structure and excellent documentation lets you get started easily, while adding in deeper features with little friction or confusion.

It's either a company wide culture or nothing at all.> There's also tons of non-engineering stuff that benefits from being together, onsiteLike what?> Stray comments might lead to huge import improvementsJust because you're not co-located does not mean you're just in silence throughout the day. There are a slew of chat clients and voice applications that allow remote teams to communicate easily throughout the day.> In my pervious company, there were always large things we'd find out when we'd have team leaders meet up.

Pervious definitions


admitting of passage or entrance; "pervious soil"; "a metal pervious to heat"