Derogative in a sentence as an adjective

It is not casteist, but a word used in a derogative way for a certain ethnic group.

There's not a good name for this philosophy yet other than derogative terms like "woke".

If your Spanish is good enough, you can just pelt them with derogative stuff as they seem to like the insult.

They won't approve my comment because it's derogative to Notch's dev practises...

I said Maccard and there is nothing derogative about it. Jeez.

Funny how it changed from a derogative to a respected --or at least well-payed-- practice.

Calling it a system sounds very derogative to me as it colors it as artificial and optional.

Norse and Rus ship burials are fairly well-documented so I must agree with the grandparent: using the word cult seems quite derogative.

I'll never understand how some will advocate equality and sensitivity and in the same breath and with no irony, drop a derogative like "neckbeard.

So you'd happily use the N' word, "fag," "gay," and similar since you can re-define them in your head to be just general insults, rather than associating negativity with the groups for which these words were originally used?Sorry but we both know the reason you're using that word is because you want to paint them as being mentally handicapped which you perceive as "bad." You can pretend that isn't what you're doing but even if that is true that is how others perceive it, because when they hear the word "******" they think mentally handicapped and you're using it as a derogative.

The jury is still out on the effectiveness of this type of policing and they're often mentioned in a derogative way, partly due to the fact that they often seem to go too far in their attempts to ingratiate themselves with criminal gangs - grilling sausages and playing football does not seem to keep the gangs from committing violence.

"Social Justice Warrior" now has a very specific pejorative and derogative meaning: a vocal activist pushing and fighting for ideology of political correctness, for positive discrimination, favouritism of people of minority groups, limiting freedom of expression by policing words and inventing and enforcing new words, and generally using any means available, including racist or bigoted or factually incorrect or logically flawed arguments about race, power, history or biology.

Derogative definitions


expressive of low opinion; "derogatory comments"; "disparaging remarks about the new house"

See also: derogatory disparaging