Deriving in a sentence as a noun

In Python, you have to reimplement __repr__ for every class whereas in Haskell you use deriving Show.

The two are not mutually exclusive, and deriving value from the latter may encourage someone to do more of the former.

It actually suggests that we're misusing the trait in the short term, since it's one of the few that has built-in deriving magic in the compiler.

" Rather, I use 'artificial' in the original sense of the word, deriving from the Latin artificium, or 'craft.

Its orthogonal to type abstraction - for example, in Haskell you would use "deriving" or TemplateHaskell macros to do the same thing.

> What are the manageable pieces needed to make quantum computing or deriving all electrical power from the sun a reality?

Let's see:>it is time to retire it from common use and replace it with the more effective one of mean deviation>Standard deviation, STD, should be left to mathematicians, physicists and mathematical statisticians deriving limit theorems.

It was very simple: voters and taxpayers chose to support the bus program because of the benefits the city gets, and eliminating fares was a straightforward way to increase ridership per dollar, thus deriving more benefit for the tax money being spent [1].

This book makes extremely clear that the "homotopy theory" that is developed towards the exposition of homotopy type theory is merely synthetic, which is to say that it considers homotopies as first class objects, rather than deriving them from their traditional topological underpinnings in a more analytic way.

The ability, or even the inventor's desire, to keep innovation secret and undisclosed has severely contracted and, in a sense, much of what is innovative in software is an open book, with a whole universe of developers drawing from the same or similar sources and deriving very similar outcomes without reference to one another's work.

Deriving definitions


(historical linguistics) an explanation of the historical origins of a word or phrase

See also: derivation etymologizing