Derivation in a sentence as a noun

Let's first talk about the derivation of the idea.

Find a library that implements a key derivation function, and use it.

At the lowest level, Nix derivations represent promises of a build, stored in .drv files in the store.

The entire field of key derivation functions has been very much neglected.

No derivation from the original, no ethics, no shame.

Guix produces such derivations, which are then interpreted by the daemon to perform the build.

The key requirement for a password-based key derivation function is that performing a brute force search is expensive.

"And even if you did prove it, is it illegal, and should it be illegal?All art is a derivation of something that came before it.

Remember, security against cracking is a combination of password strength and key derivation function strength.

Such proofs are often not published because the authors are freaking geniuses who view the derivation as obvious, and getting to the point where you can do the same proof with intense effort is one point of the course!

It basically is the "Fundamental Theorem of Calculus" on steroids and it gives a characterization of integration in terms of nothing more than it's algebraic/topological relationship with derivation... which is itself abstracted as mentioned above.---Why do all this?

Derivation definitions


the source or origin from which something derives (i.e. comes or issues); "he prefers shoes of Italian derivation"; "music of Turkish derivation"


(historical linguistics) an explanation of the historical origins of a word or phrase

See also: deriving etymologizing


a line of reasoning that shows how a conclusion follows logically from accepted propositions


(descriptive linguistics) the process whereby new words are formed from existing words or bases by affixation; "`singer' from `sing' or `undo' from `do' are examples of derivations"


inherited properties shared with others of your bloodline

See also: ancestry lineage filiation


drawing of fluid or inflammation away from a diseased part of the body


drawing off water from its main channel as for irrigation


the act of deriving something or obtaining something from a source or origin