Deportment in a sentence as a noun

Yes, but I'm sure you crawled with a more professional deportment.

There must be licensing of dancers, that no gesture, motion, or deportment be taught our youth, but what by their allowance shall be thought honest; for such Plato was provided of.

There are multiple physical malls and deportment stores where you need to drive from one to the next and consumers have zero problems doing that, why would it be different for applications?

By any measure - leadership, deportment, competition, participation - they do it all if you assume they will, and make that clear by providing support and opportunity.

Plato:Then, as I was saying, our youth should be trained from the first in a stricter system, for if amusements become lawless, and the youths themselves become lawless, they can never grow up into well-conducted and virtuous citizens [...] I mean such things as these:--when the young are to be silent before their elders; how they are to show respect to them by standing and making them sit; what honour is due to parents; what garments or shoes are to be worn; the mode of dressing the hair; deportment and manners in general.

Deportment definitions


(behavioral attributes) the way a person behaves toward other people

See also: demeanor demeanour behavior behaviour conduct