Demeanour in a sentence as a noun

I like his site, but he has a lethargic demeanour on podcasts.

I feel no need to maintain a "professional" demeanour or keep up appearances.

Legionnaires were routinely offered loot and land in return for service; it wasn't just "hey, that guy has a striking profile and a commanding demeanour!

Not obeying the law of displaying a license plate is just an extension of the demeanour that allowed him to become a billionaire in the first place.

I think you're right that they don't love it - and if I were in there shoes I'd have trouble keeping a pleasant demeanour if I was losing money from people being in my restaurant too!

That is, people tended to select other cats that were not black due to superstition until a pleasant demeanour overrode superstitious beliefs.

The way he spoke in the video from Hong Kong, his articulateness, the vocabulary used, and demeanour, attests to his honesty, integrity and character.

The person you replied to wasn't specifying that he valued Ian Bicking's humility in that specific blog post, but his general demeanour within the Python community.

Surely using your regular account makes for a bigger picture as I could see where you're coming from, your general demeanour, your desire to argue incessantly around the point whilst not broaching the point itself, that sort of thing.

The international arena is effectively a lawless "wild west" world, and it shows; particularly in the attitude and demeanour of those who have been exposed to its' vicissitudes for any significant length of time.

This quote in particular resonated:"Many who have ''plied their book diligently," and know all about some one branch or another of accepted lore, come out of the study with an ancient and owl-like demeanour, and prove dry, stockish, and dyspeptic in all the better and brighter parts of life.

Demeanour definitions


(behavioral attributes) the way a person behaves toward other people

See also: demeanor behavior behaviour conduct deportment