Denigratory in a sentence as an adjective

"fuckboys" was/is a very denigratory term for a gay male last time I checked

That's more denigratory to voluntary at-home pieceworkers than anything I've said.

I'm not being reductionist and suggesting that all of this is because we say "don't be a *****", what I'm implying is that both are current examples of how western culture is violent and denigratory towards women. I value your insight into overcoming detrimental gender biases as an example, and I'm not being overly polite, I really mean it.

Whether it's denigratory to women, men, blacks, Asians, the mentally challenged, furries, or yes even redditors, it will get said. There's no point getting your feathers all ruffled over something like this - I assume it's not a common sentiment among the people who don't get fired from Facebook, and there's plenty of self-aggrandizing idiots out there to give the outragist fodder to the end of days.

Neither of these is enough to get someone classified as "human garbage" in such denigratory terms in my view, and certainly not enough to put them on par with the genuinely vicious acts of coercive predatory behavior you're comparing cheating to. Your view is absurdly emotional and outside reasoned analysis of moral comparisons dude.

Denigratory definitions


(used of statements) harmful and often untrue; tending to discredit or malign

See also: calumniatory calumnious defamatory denigrative denigrating libellous libelous slanderous