Denigrating in a sentence as an adjective

I'm not denigrating financial professionals. I've worked in a few Wall Street jobs, and liked most of the people.

Page is not denigrating the work of charities per se. He is observing that today is being kept at the expense of tomorrow.

No, "gipsy" is not a denigrating term. At least those "roma" coming from Spain and Portugal call themselves gipsies.

You would not find people saying the same thing about doctors or lawyers, and you would not find doctors or lawyers denigrating themselves.

I'm totally fine with not denigrating the cops that actually care about doing good in their communities. I'm just not convinced that all of them share that sentiment.

I think people might want to look at whether their house is made of glass a bit more as well, before denigrating "useless" historians and throwing around phrases like "contributes to the country's advancement". Is the webapp you're working on really a great contribution to society?

Others reply with hostility, curses, private emails denigrating my mental health, paternity, etc. They get banned permanently.

Making your point without denigrating an entire educational system is usually feasible.

It seems to me that "lifestyle company" is often a denigrating term used by VCs to insult companies that didn't need VCs to succeed, and that didn't choose an exit that would fit a VC-invested business model. Bose is a very large, very successful, international company.

This attack is another outgrowth of that pervasive sexism, and the fact that it uses a medium that is traditionally associated with denigrating women [1] just makes it even more sexist. [1] Yes, there is some non-misogynistic porn out there, but it is the exception rather than the rule.

Instead, third-wave feminists have transformed the notion of "privilege" into a targeted weapon for belittling and denigrating the specific demographics they deem hostile to their goals. When a "friendly" demographic does well, it's a result of hard work and determination.

Claiming inherent superiority while denigrating evidence and empirical approaches is cut from the same cloth as religion, and certainly won't convince those of us with higher standards.

This is one of those "why I am a great developer" sorts of posts that allows people to pat themselves on the back and congratulate each other on how great they are, passive-aggressively sending it out to the team in hopes of denigrating some team member who likes newer things. In this case "judgement" means "uses the things that I know", and there seems to be little evaluation beyond that high-level use case.

I think that denigrating the significance of these "low sophistication" attacks is fundamentally the same error as venerating the importance of single-points of technological complexity independent of the end-to-end security of a system. It makes it easier to change the response from "oh ****, we got hacked so hard!"

The author was not denigrating "brilliant" men; instead he was explaining a type of "brilliant" person that focuses their energy on coming up with brilliant ideas, but will not stay focused long enough to see it through to finish. Imagine if you are reliant on a co-founder who wants to be pivot every 6 months simply because all of the challenges of the first brilliant idea are solved, and all that remains is the hard work and execution?

Denigrating definitions


(used of statements) harmful and often untrue; tending to discredit or malign

See also: calumniatory calumnious defamatory denigrative denigratory libellous libelous slanderous