Decadent in a sentence as a noun

Frankly, I'm probably too spoiled and decadent to pick fruit all day too.

As they grow rich, and as the need for martial valor declines, people become more decadent.

Maybe the intelligent are more decadent in Britain?

Not due to land use concerns, because Mao said golf was a decadent sport of millionaires, and China was not to have those.

The whole art vs design debate is for decadent old men, but just exercise your creativity in different ways.

What we have here is a worthless parasite class -- a decadent nobility -- that has buried itself into our civilization like a tick.

It's like you don't even realize that there are third world migrant workers picking our fruit because every single one of those unemployed college graduates is, to put it bluntly, too spoiled and decadent to do the work.

Decadent in a sentence as an adjective

Conservatives invariably argue that societies fall because they become decadent and valueless, while liberals contend that societies became too stagnant and inflexible to survive.

Coming to Hacker News and pointing out, even if indirectly, that the tricks of the startup trade are of questionable morality is like showing up at an decadent dinner party and pulling out photos of starving third world children.

]What we have here is a worthless parasite class -- a decadent nobility -- that has buried itself into our civilization like a tickThe fact of the matter is you will have a very hard time finding a financial person who defends the current state of things.

It also covers the difficulties: it's fun indulging in ivory tower engineering exercises, or decadent offices, or letting delusions of grandeur grow your staff too quickly, if you don't have the self-restraint needed to make sensible decisions every.

Like some decadent Roman emperor towards his circus act: "amuse me or die".Not to mention that amazing some exec with something "awesome", as everybody has witnessed at some point, can be miles away from shipping solid code and solving the company's real problems keeping it from sinking.

Just as you see one and consider the wearer looks like a "religious entity", someone else will see you in jeans and consider you a "consumerist drone", or see your cellphone and consider you a "decadent bourgeois".That you don't consider that part of "looking like people" is not the hijabs' wearer problem.

Proper Noun Examples for Decadent

Decadent as it may be to sit in an air-conditioned office and make stupid iPhone games for other spoiled, decadent first worlders to play, at least that guy living in the Foxconn dormitory and assembling iPhones all day might be grateful to us for making sure he still has work.

Decadent definitions


a person who has fallen into a decadent state (morally or artistically)


marked by excessive self-indulgence and moral decay; "a decadent life of excessive money and no sense of responsibility"; "a group of effete self-professed intellectuals"

See also: effete