Debased in a sentence as an adjective

Years of abuse make "sorry" an entirely debased term in my lexicon.

It's hard to have gender equality in that sort of morally debased culture.

Because being female is about as low, ridiculous and debased as a person can get, riiiiight?

Have we, in a few short decades, become so debased, so degraded, that no one can any longer tell the difference?

Our national security means nothing if the principles upon which the nation is founded are being debased wholesale.

The term 'climate change' is pretty debased though, because it can mean anything from 'natural climate change' to 'Himalayan glaciers are going to melt in 20 years'.But the wording from this group is silly, there is no doubt.

They are, without exception, all miserable ****** up debased individuals who are so idle and unfulfilled they end up spreading their emotional contagion to all who are unfortunate to be in their way.

You're two sides of the same debased coin.† You can, once in a blue moon, find a carefully considered criticism of Orin Kerr on HN, but they've uniformly come from people on HN with law degrees and are thus obviously suspicious.

Whatever you think of him, I think Julian Assange answers this question quite well in the introduction to Cypherpunks:"The platonic nature of the internet, ideas and information flows, is debased by its physical origins.

Once and adult student reaches university level math courses, it has been instilled in their brain that "memorization" is a debased form of intellectual pursuit and that they ought to be trying and looking for the underlying patterns in their subject of study.

I would say it's a euphemism for debasing just enough to keep a small minority enriched without the masses discovering it via overt price inflation and/or without the masses outside the US realizing that the value of their goods and services are being debased for the same reason.

Debased definitions


mixed with impurities

See also: adulterate adulterated


lowered in value; "the dollar is low"; "a debased currency"

See also: devalued degraded


ruined in character or quality

See also: corrupted vitiated