Adulterated in a sentence as an adjective

Dammit, can't they list the 30% or so of brands that aren't known to be adulterated?

The tarball on their website was adulterated to include a backdoor and the published checksums were altered too.

Please do note that the GP said "adulterated spirits" that is, rubbing alcohol and the like, which contain methanol.

These violations include, but are not limited to, the following... Wow, "adulterated", that sounds awful!

Nor are their customers suffering from adulterated goods, or committing robberies to afford black-market prices.

In fact I’d half-expect that synthetic products be generally safer, since you know exactly what you’re making and the extent to which it may be adulterated.

I also found Teavana's teas to be adulterated with unnecessary flavors and ingredients that aren't natural to the tea.

The local grocery chains as well as the mom and pop stores are notorious for price discrepancies but worse than that - they sell food that has been adulterated and even laced with chemicals.

I think this is a bigger deal than the sketchiness factor of buying ***** -- a silk road vendor selling adulterated product would be severely penalized if caught and the economics don't work out.

"Mass poisonings" are a very poor attack vector because as soon as they're identified they get publicized and people stop consuming the adulterated product, which minimizes the impact.

The health vegetarians who are afraid of adulterated food may go for this meat now, but the ones who are afraid of the general higher cancer risk from red- meat based diets, etc, will likely not be persuaded to change.

Chemical has become a synonym for something artificial, adulterated, hazardous, or toxic.

Adulterated definitions


mixed with impurities

See also: adulterate debased