Dawning in a sentence as a noun

Japan has led the world in map accuracy and detail since the dawning of the GPS era.

Quote: 'And its dawning on them that theyre doing something impressive. Were doing a lot of stuff that no one has done before, Hantoot reflects.

Or is it an issue with the dawning of the Internet Age? There are plenty of films made after 1995 that I think are highly deserving.

And for most of us there is the dawning revelation that a life of consumption is... a life of gratuitous ****.

With the 4K age dawning, this could be a huge deal as the new consoles often don't even run 1080p natively. Especially if you consider that the last gen lasted almost 8 years.

A sinking feeling was dawning in the pit of his stomach." You would try to conceal the discovery, and create a cover story that discouraged anyone else from looking there."

What we're witnessing is the dawning of a new era in which relying upon a job to earn a livelihood becomes extinct. That's very different.

Yes, just as every CEO of every big company that has just acquired a smaller company has ever said, back unto the dawning of the world. Nothing is ever going to change, until suddenly it all does.

The best part of this post was the dawning realisation about 2/3 of the way through the page that an actual font resulted from the experiment, and the page was displayed in it. It's a really attractive font, actually.

> That will be the dawning of an age of widespread empathy with our animals brethren, along with a wave of horror and shame at our previous treatment of them. Because that worked so well with regard to fellow humans.

It feels like neuromancer is dawning fast. Scammer groups aren't discouraged by legal means, they are discouraged by the possibility of losing control of their infrastructure.

Now that it's dawning on people that this is going to **** the US's international cloud computing business the big money lobbying will kick in and we'll probably see some action.

That will be the dawning of an age of widespread empathy with our animals brethren, along with a wave of horror and shame at our previous treatment of them. Long before that, though, we'll enjoy immersive VR recordings from the viewpoint of other creatures.

The idea that there was some sort of meritocracy came shattering down, and it started dawning on me why they had mediocre software even with so many developers. For those of us doing the actual work, there was no real reward for being the guy with the solution.

Seriously, this isn't just dawning on you now, is it? This is the exact history of PCs victory over the initial Mac leader originally, and it's playing out in a similar way with iOS and Android today.

The dawning horror for the console vendors is that the change is already happening around them and on every iPhone, iPad, Samsung, Android, etc device. These already have digital-only distribution.

Jaynes even goes so far as to define this\nhistorical transition as the dawning of human consciousness. \nThere is an ancient Egyptian inscription about the creator god\nPtah, which describes the various other gods as variations of Ptah's\n'voice' or 'tongue'.

But I think what the new realization dawning on millions of people, especially those that thought Obama would fight against the plutocrats, is that they are both part of the same corrupt and broken system. You want to break apart big government, fine, but why don't you also want to break up the big banks and other monopolies?

This is why I think software has something very important to offer kids for this dawning century. As a culture we're losing the real virtues of thinking passionately, of having a sense of responsibility for who you are, making something of your work and feeling good about your work and life in general.

It's dawning on me now lately though that I need a very optimized, particular environment to work with any semblance of efficiency. Powerful desktop, big monitor, custom set of input and pointing tools, the particular set of utilities installed and running, plus speakers, comfortable chair.

It's the modern dawning realization by parties wishing to marry and being denied, and by parties wishing to deny them, that the scope of who can marry is largely unconstrained. Persons against gay-marriage are actually in a battle to contract the existing right, while persons for gay-marriage are looking for explicit confirmation that they are included in the right.

, are both terrific, must-read/see histories of the dawning and maturity of the age of personal computing. The doc is especially fascinating now because it was made in the window of time after Steve Jobs' failure at NeXT, but before his triumphant return to Apple -- so it provides a glimpse of him humbled and circumspect, which is a very different tone than that he took in nearly every other public appearance ever.

Dawning definitions


the first light of day; "we got up before dawn"; "they talked until morning"